Stop ID | place-brntn |
Stop Name | Braintree |
Parent Stop | |
Stop Description | |
Stop Location | 42.207854, -71.001138 |
Trips Serving Stop | [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow] |
Service on Specific Date | |
Upcoming Service per Route | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (per Route) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Upcoming Service Combined | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (Unified) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Route ID | Short Name | Long Name |
210 | 210 | Quincy Center Station - Fields Corner Station |
226 | 226 | Columbian Square - Braintree Station |
230 | 230 | Montello Station - Quincy Center Station |
236 | 236 | South Shore Plaza - Quincy Center Station |
CR-Kingston | Kingston Line | |
CR-Middleborough | Middleborough/Lakeville Line | |
CR-NewBedford | Fall River/New Bedford Line | |
CapeFlyer | CapeFLYER | |
Red | Red Line | |
Shuttle-AshmontBraintree | Red Line Shuttle | Ashmont - Braintree |
Shuttle-BraintreeBroadway | Red Line Shuttle | Braintree - Broadway |
Shuttle-BraintreeJFK | Red Line Shuttle | Braintree - JFK/UMass |
Shuttle-BraintreeNorthQuincy | Red Line Shuttle | Braintree - North Quincy |
Shuttle-BraintreeQuincyCenter | Red Line Shuttle | Braintree - Quincy Center |
Shuttle-BraintreeSouthStationExpress | Commuter Rail Shuttle | Braintree - South Station (Express) |
Shuttle-BraintreeSouthWeymouth | Kingston Line Shuttle | South Weymouth - Braintree |
Shuttle-SouthStationSouthWeymouth | Kingston Line Shuttle | South Weymouth - South Station |
Stop ID | Short Name | Long Name |
38671 | Braintree | Braintree - Busway |
70105 | Braintree | Braintree - Red Line |
Braintree-01 | Braintree | Braintree - Red Line - Track 1 |
Braintree-02 | Braintree | Braintree - Red Line - Track 2 |
MM-0109 | Braintree | Braintree - Commuter Rail |
MM-0109-CS | Braintree | Braintree - Commuter Rail - Track 2 |
MM-0109-S | Braintree | Braintree - Commuter Rail - Track 1 |
door-brntn-busway | Braintree - Garage, Buses, Ivory St | Braintree - Garage, Buses, Ivory St |
door-brntn-faregates | Braintree - Garage, Buses, Union St | Braintree - Garage, Buses, Union St |
node-333-bottom | Braintree | Braintree - Bottom of Commuter Rail platform escalator |
node-333-top | Braintree | Braintree - Top of Commuter Rail platform escalator |
node-334-lobby | Braintree | Braintree - Bottom of Red Line platform downward escalator |
node-334-platform | Braintree | Braintree - Top of Red Line platform downward escalator |
node-335-lobby | Braintree | Braintree - Bottom of Red Line platform upward escalator |
node-335-platform | Braintree | Braintree - Top of Red Line platform upward escalator |
node-811-lobby | Braintree | Braintree - Bottom of Red Line platform elevator |
node-811-platform | Braintree | Braintree - Top of Red Line platform elevator |
node-brntn-crramp-bottom | Braintree | Braintree - Bottom of Commuter Rail platform ramp |
node-brntn-crramp-top | Braintree | Braintree - Top of Commuter Rail platform ramp |
node-brntn-crstairs-bottom | Braintree | Braintree - Bottom of Commuter Rail platform stairs |
node-brntn-crstairs-top | Braintree | Braintree - Top of Commuter Rail platform stairs |
node-brntn-farepaid | Braintree | Braintree - Paid side of fare gates |
node-brntn-fareunpaid | Braintree | Braintree - Unpaid side of fare gates |
node-brntn-nplatstairs-lobby | Braintree | Braintree - Bottom of Red Line platform north stairs |
node-brntn-nplatstairs-platform | Braintree | Braintree - Top of Red Line platform north stairs |
node-brntn-parking | Braintree | Braintree - Parking garage entrance |
node-brntn-splatstairs-lobby | Braintree | Braintree - Bottom of Red Line platform south stairs |
node-brntn-splatstairs-platform | Braintree | Braintree - Top of Red Line platform south stairs |