13-Mar-2025 21:20:16 EDT
Processing Time: 0 ms

Stop Information

Stop IDplace-boyls
Stop NameBoylston
Parent Stop
Stop Description
Stop Location42.353020, -71.064590

Service Information

Trips Serving Stop [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow]
Service on Specific Date
Upcoming Service per Route [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (per Route) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Upcoming Service Combined [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (Unified) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]

Routes Serving Stop

Route ID Short Name Long Name
Green-BBGreen Line B
Green-CCGreen Line C
Green-DDGreen Line D
Green-EEGreen Line E

Stops Sharing Parent Station

Stop IDShort NameLong Name
70158BoylstonBoylston - Green Line - Park Street & North
70159BoylstonBoylston - Green Line - Copley & West
door-boyls-inboundBoylston - Boston Common, StreetBoylston - Boston Common, Street
door-boyls-outboundBoylston - Boston Common, StreetBoylston - Boston Common, Street
node-boyls-in-farepaidBoylstonBoylston - Paid side of fare gates
node-boyls-in-fareunpaidBoylstonBoylston - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-boyls-instair-platformBoylstonBoylston - Bottom of Park Street & East stairs
node-boyls-out-farepaidBoylstonBoylston - Paid side of fare gates
node-boyls-out-fareunpaidBoylstonBoylston - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-boyls-outstair-platformBoylstonBoylston - Bottom of Copley & West stairs