01-Dec-2024 01:22:13 EST
Processing Time: 39 ms

Stop Information

Stop IDnode-state-bowdoinramp-nbplatform
Stop NameState
Parent Stop place-state
Stop DescriptionState - Bottom of ramp between Bowdoin platform and Oak Grove platform
Stop Location,

Service Information

Trips Serving Stop [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow]
Service on Specific Date
Upcoming Service per Route [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (per Route) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Upcoming Service Combined [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (Unified) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]

Routes Serving Stop

Route ID Short Name Long Name

Stops Sharing Parent Station

Stop IDShort NameLong Name
70022StateState - Orange Line - Forest Hills
70023StateState - Orange Line - Oak Grove
70041StateState - Blue Line - Bowdoin
70042StateState - Blue Line - Wonderland
door-state-cityhallState - City HallState - City Hall
door-state-congressState - Congress St (North)State - Congress St (North)
door-state-exchangeState - Congress St (Exchange Place)State - Congress St (Exchange Place)
door-state-meetingState - Washington St, Milk StState - Washington St, Milk St
door-state-stateState - Old State House, State StState - Old State House, State St
door-state-waterState - Devonshire St, Water StState - Devonshire St, Water St
node-374-lobbyStateState - Top of escalator from Oak Grove platform to City Hall
node-374-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of escalator from Oak Grove platform to City Hall
node-501-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of escalator from Oak Grove platform to Wonderland platform, State St, Devonshire St
node-501-sbplatformStateState - Top of escalator from Oak Grove platform to Wonderland platform, State St, Devonshire St
node-502-landingStateState - Top of escalator from Orange Line to State St, Devonshire St
node-502-sbplatformStateState - Bottom of escalator from Orange Line to State St, Devonshire St
node-523-sbplatformStateState - Bottom of escalator from lobby to Milk Street
node-523-streetStateState - Top of escalator from lobby to Milk Street
node-6-landingStateState - Top of escalator from Oak Grove platform to State St, Devonshire St
node-6-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of escalator from Oak Grove platform to State St, Devonshire St
node-802-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of Elevator 802 between Oak Grove platform and Wonderland platform, Forest Hills passageway
node-802-sbplatformStateState - Top of Elevator 802 between Oak Grove platform and Wonderland platform, Forest Hills passageway
node-803-sbplatformStateState - Bottom of Elevator 803 between Milk Street to lobby
node-803-streetStateState - Top of Elevator 803 between Milk Street to lobby
node-967-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of Elevator 967 between Oak Grove platform and Wonderland platform, Forest Hills passageway
node-967-sbplatformStateState - Top of Elevator 967 between Oak Grove platform and Wonderland platform, Forest Hills passageway
node-974-streetStateState - Top of Elevator 974 between Congress St and Bowdoin platform
node-974-wbplatformStateState - Bottom of Elevator 974 between Congress St and Bowdoin platform
node-975-ebplatformStateState - Bottom of Elevator 975 between Congress St and Wonderland platform
node-ogcityhallstairs-lobbyStateState - Top of stairs between Oak Grove platform and City Hall
node-ogcityhallstairs-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Oak Grove platform and City Hall
node-state-bowdoinoldstatestairs-landingStateState - Top of stairs between Bowdoin platform and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-bowdoinoldstatestairs-wbplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Bowdoin platform and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-bowdoinramp-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of ramp between Bowdoin platform and Oak Grove platform
node-state-bowdoinramp-wbplatformStateState - Top of ramp between Bowdoin platform and Oak Grove platform
node-state-cityhall-farepaidStateState - Paid side of fare gates
node-state-cityhall-fareunpaidStateState - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-state-congress-farepaidStateState - Paid side of fare gates
node-state-congress-fareunpaidStateState - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-state-congressstairs-streetStateState - Top of stairs between Congress St and Bowdoin platform
node-state-congressstairs-wbplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Congress St and Bowdoin platform
node-state-exchange-farepaidStateState - Paid side of fare gates
node-state-exchange-fareunpaidStateState - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-state-exchangestairs-ebplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Congress St and Wonderland platform
node-state-milk-farepaidStateState - Paid side of fare gates
node-state-milk-fareunpaidStateState - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-state-milkmidstairs-landingStateState - Top of stairs from escalator to Milk Street
node-state-milkmidstairs-streetStateState - Bottom of stairs from escalator to Milk Street
node-state-milkststairs-lobbyStateState - Bottom of stairs between Milk Street and lobby
node-state-ogoldstatehousestairs-landingStateState - Top of stairs between Oak Grove platform and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-ogoldstatehousestairs-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Oak Grove platform and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-oldstate-farepaidStateState - Paid side of fare gates
node-state-oldstate-fareunpaidStateState - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-state-oldstateogministairs-landingStateState - Bottom of stairs between Bowdoin platform, Oak Grove platform landing and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-oldstateogministairs-streetStateState - Top of stairs between Bowdoin platform, Oak Grove platform landing and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-oldstatepassageministairs-landingStateState - Bottom of stairs between Wonderland platform, Orange Line landing and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-oldstatepassageministairs-streetStateState - Top of stairs between Wonderland platform, Orange Line landing and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-olnbplatformstairsmain-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Wonderland platform, State St, Devonshire St
node-state-olnbplatformstairsmain-sbplatformStateState - Top of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Wonderland platform, State St, Devonshire St
node-state-olnbplatformstairssec-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Wonderland platform, Forest Hills passageway
node-state-olnbplatformstairssec-sbplatformStateState - Top of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Wonderland platform, Forest Hills passageway
node-state-olpassagestairs-nbplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Forest Hills passageway and Oak Grove platform
node-state-olpassagestairs-sbplatformStateState - Top of stairs between Forest Hills passageway and Oak Grove platform
node-state-passageoldstatehousestairs-landingStateState - Top of stairs between Orange Line and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-passageoldstatehousestairs-sbplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Orange Line and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-statestreetstairs-lobbyStateState - Bottom of stairs between lobby and City Hall
node-state-water-farepaidStateState - Paid side of fare gates
node-state-water-fareunpaidStateState - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-state-waterststairs-lobbyStateState - Bottom of stairs between Water Street and lobby
node-state-wonderlandoldstatestairs-ebplatformStateState - Bottom of stairs between Wonderland platform and State St, Devonshire St
node-state-wonderlandoldstatestairs-landingStateState - Top of stairs between Wonderland platform and State St, Devonshire St