Downtown Crossing
14-Mar-2025 01:26:49 EDT
Processing Time: 1 ms

Stop Information

Stop IDnode-dwnxg-stair2-rl
Stop NameDowntown Crossing
Parent Stop place-dwnxg
Stop DescriptionDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Alewife platform
Stop Location,

Service Information

Trips Serving Stop [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow]
Service on Specific Date
Upcoming Service per Route [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (per Route) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Upcoming Service Combined [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (Unified) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]

Routes Serving Stop

Route ID Short Name Long Name

Stops Sharing Parent Station

Stop IDShort NameLong Name
70020Downtown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Orange Line - Forest Hills
70021Downtown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Orange Line - Oak Grove
70077Downtown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Red Line - Ashmont/Braintree
70078Downtown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Red Line - Alewife
door-dwnxg-101archDowntown Crossing - 101 Arch St, Summer StDowntown Crossing - 101 Arch St, Summer St
door-dwnxg-chauncyDowntown Crossing - Chauncy StDowntown Crossing - Chauncy St
door-dwnxg-franklinDowntown Crossing - Franklin StDowntown Crossing - Franklin St
door-dwnxg-hawleyDowntown Crossing - Hawley St (Escalator)Downtown Crossing - Hawley St (Escalator)
door-dwnxg-macysDowntown Crossing - Macy'sDowntown Crossing - Macy's
door-dwnxg-rochebrosDowntown Crossing - Roche BrosDowntown Crossing - Roche Bros
door-dwnxg-summerDowntown Crossing - Washington St, Summer StDowntown Crossing - Washington St, Summer St
door-dwnxg-summereastDowntown Crossing - Summer St, Washington StDowntown Crossing - Summer St, Washington St
door-dwnxg-templeDowntown Crossing - Temple Place, Lafaytette PlaceDowntown Crossing - Temple Place, Lafaytette Place
door-dwnxg-winterDowntown Crossing - Washington St, Winter StDowntown Crossing - Washington St, Winter St
node-112-platformDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of escalator from Ashmont/Braintree platform to Chauncy Street
node-113-platformDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of escalator from Alewife platform to Hawley Street
node-331-olDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of escalator from Ashmont/Braintree platform to Oak Grove platform
node-331-rlDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of escalator from Ashmont/Braintree platform to Oak Grove platform
node-332-olDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of escalator from Alewife platform to Oak Grove platform
node-332-rlDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of escalator from Alewife platform to Oak Grove platform
node-364-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of escalator from Franklin Street lobby to street
node-365-middleDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of escalator from Washington Street, Winter Street mezzanine to street
node-869-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of elevator between Alewife platform and Chauncy Street lobby
node-869-platformDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of elevator between Alewife platform and Chauncy Street lobby
node-870-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of elevator between Ashmont/Braintree platform and Chauncy Street lobby
node-870-platformDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of elevator between Ashmont/Braintree platform and Chauncy Street lobby
node-891-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of elevator between Franklin Street lobby and street
node-892-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of elevator between Washington Street, Winter Street lobby and street
node-998-olDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of elevator between Alewife platform and Oak Grove platform
node-998-rlDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of elevator between Alewife platform and Oak Grove platform
node-999-olDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of elevator between Alewife platform and Oak Grove platform
node-999-rlDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of elevator between Alewife platform and Oak Grove platform
node-dwnxg-112fare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Paid side of exit-only gate
node-dwnxg-112fare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Unpaid side of exit-only gate
node-dwnxg-113fare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Paid side of exit-only gate
node-dwnxg-113fare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Unpaid side of exit-only gate
node-dwnxg-concourseDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Downtown Crossing end of Winter Street Concourse
node-dwnxg-frnkfare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Paid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-frnkfare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-macysramp-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of ramp between Macy's and Summer Street Concourse
node-dwnxg-macysstairs-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Macy's and Summer Street Concourse
node-dwnxg-nbsumexitfare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of exit-only stairs from Alewife platform to Summer Street Concourse
node-dwnxg-nbsumexitfare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Outside of exit-only doors from Alewife platform
node-dwnxg-sbsumexitfare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of exit-only stairs from Ashmont/Braintree platform to Summer Street Concourse
node-dwnxg-sbsumexitfare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Outside of exit-only doors from Ashmont/Braintree platform
node-dwnxg-stair1-olDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of stairs between Forest Hills platform and Alewife platform
node-dwnxg-stair1-rlDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Forest Hills platform and Alewife platform
node-dwnxg-stair10-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Washington Street, Winter Street lobby and mezzanine
node-dwnxg-stair10-middleDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of stairs between Washington Street, Winter Street lobby and mezzanine
node-dwnxg-stair11-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of exit-only stairs from Oak Grove platform
node-dwnxg-stair11-middleDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of exit-only stairs from Oak Grove platform
node-dwnxg-stair12-middleDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Washington Street, Winter Street mezzanine and street
node-dwnxg-stair13-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Temple Place lobby and street
node-dwnxg-stair14-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between lobby and Washington Street at Summer Street
node-dwnxg-stair15-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between lobby and Summer Street at Washington Street
node-dwnxg-stair16-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Chauncy Street lobby and street
node-dwnxg-stair2-olDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Alewife platform
node-dwnxg-stair2-rlDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Alewife platform
node-dwnxg-stair3-platformDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of exit-only stairs from Alewife platform to Summer Street Concourse
node-dwnxg-stair4-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of stairs between Alewife platform and Chauncy Street lobby
node-dwnxg-stair4-platformDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Alewife platform and Chauncy Street lobby
node-dwnxg-stair5-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of stairs between Ashmont/Braintree platform and Chauncy Street lobby
node-dwnxg-stair5-platformDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Ashmont/Braintree platform and Chauncy Street lobby
node-dwnxg-stair6-platformDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of exit-only stairs from Ashmont/Braintree platform to Summer Street Concourse
node-dwnxg-stair7-olDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Ashmont/Braintree platform
node-dwnxg-stair7-rlDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Ashmont/Braintree platform
node-dwnxg-stair8-olDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Top of stairs between Forest Hills platform and Ashmont/Braintree platform
node-dwnxg-stair8-rlDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Forest Hills platform and Ashmont/Braintree platform
node-dwnxg-stair9-lobbyDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Bottom of stairs between Franklin Street lobby and street
node-dwnxg-sumchyfare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Paid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-sumchyfare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-sumwashfare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Paid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-sumwashfare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-templefare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Paid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-templefare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-wintexitfare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Paid side of exit-only gate
node-dwnxg-wintexitfare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Unpaid side of exit-only gate
node-dwnxg-wintwashfare-paidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Paid side of fare gates
node-dwnxg-wintwashfare-unpaidDowntown CrossingDowntown Crossing - Unpaid side of fare gates