Stop ID | node-chncl-ogfareunpaid |
Stop Name | Chinatown |
Parent Stop | place-chncl |
Stop Description | Chinatown - Unpaid side of fare gates |
Stop Location | , |
Trips Serving Stop | [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow] |
Service on Specific Date | |
Upcoming Service per Route | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (per Route) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Upcoming Service Combined | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (Unified) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Route ID | Short Name | Long Name |
Stop ID | Short Name | Long Name |
70018 | Chinatown | Chinatown - Orange Line - Forest Hills |
70019 | Chinatown | Chinatown - Orange Line - Oak Grove |
door-chncl-fhelevator | Chinatown - Washington St, Essex St | Chinatown - Washington St, Essex St |
door-chncl-foresthills | Chinatown - Washington St, Essex St | Chinatown - Washington St, Essex St |
door-chncl-ogelevator | Chinatown - Elevator (Oak Grove) | Chinatown - Elevator (Oak Grove) |
door-chncl-ogessex | Chinatown - Washington St, Essex St | Chinatown - Washington St, Essex St |
node-366-landing | Chinatown | Chinatown - Top of escalator from Forest Hill lobby |
node-366-lobby | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of escalator from Forest Hill lobby |
node-377-landing | Chinatown | Chinatown - Top of escalator from Oak Grove lobby |
node-377-lobby | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of escalator from Oak Grove lobby |
node-876-lobby | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of Oak Grove elevator |
node-922-lobby | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of Forest Hills elevator |
node-chncl-fhfarepaid | Chinatown | Chinatown - Paid side of fare gates |
node-chncl-fhfareunpaid | Chinatown | Chinatown - Unpaid side of fare gates |
node-chncl-fhlower-landing | Chinatown | Chinatown - Top of stairs between lobby and landing |
node-chncl-fhlower-lobby | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of stairs between landing and lobby |
node-chncl-fhupper-landing | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of stairs for street |
node-chncl-ogfarepaid | Chinatown | Chinatown - Paid side of fare gates |
node-chncl-ogfareunpaid | Chinatown | Chinatown - Unpaid side of fare gates |
node-chncl-oglower-landing | Chinatown | Chinatown - Top of stairs between lobby and landing |
node-chncl-oglower-lobby | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of stairs between lobby and landing |
node-chncl-ogonlystair-lobby | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of stairs for street |
node-chncl-ogupper-landing | Chinatown | Chinatown - Bottom of stairs between escalator and street |