Stop ID | node-913-platform |
Stop Name | Aquarium |
Parent Stop | place-aqucl |
Stop Description | Aquarium - Bottom of elevator between Wonderland platform and State Street |
Stop Location | , |
Trips Serving Stop | [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow] |
Service on Specific Date | |
Upcoming Service per Route | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (per Route) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Upcoming Service Combined | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (Unified) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Route ID | Short Name | Long Name |
Stop ID | Short Name | Long Name |
70043 | Aquarium | Aquarium - Blue Line - Bowdoin |
70044 | Aquarium | Aquarium - Blue Line - Wonderland |
door-aqucl-atlantic | Aquarium - Waterfront and New England Aquarium | Aquarium - Waterfront and New England Aquarium |
door-aqucl-atlanticelev | Aquarium - Waterfront and New England Aquarium | Aquarium - Waterfront and New England Aquarium |
door-aqucl-mcknorth | Aquarium - State St (North) | Aquarium - State St (North) |
door-aqucl-mcksouth | Aquarium - State St (South) | Aquarium - State St (South) |
node-394-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of escalator from Wonderland platform to State Street |
node-394-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of escalator from Wonderland platform to State Street |
node-395-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of escalator from Bowdoin platform to State Street |
node-395-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of escalator from Bowdoin platform to State Street |
node-396-landing | Aquarium | Aquarium - Landing for escalator from lobby to State Street |
node-396-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of escalator from lobby to State Street |
node-397-landing | Aquarium | Aquarium - Landing for escalator from lobby to State Street |
node-397-street | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of escalator from lobby to State Street |
node-405-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of escalator from Atlantic Avenue to lobby |
node-405-street | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of escalator from Atlantic Avenue to lobby |
node-406-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of escalator from lobby to Atlantic Avenue |
node-406-street | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of escalator from lobby to Atlantic Avenue |
node-913-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of elevator between Wonderland platform and State Street |
node-913-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of elevator between Wonderland platform and State Street |
node-914-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of elevator between Bowdoin platform and State Street |
node-914-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of elevator between Bowdoin platform and State Street |
node-915-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of elevator between lobby and State Street |
node-923-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of elevator between Bowdoin platform and Atlantic Avenue |
node-923-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of elevator between Bowdoin platform and Atlantic Avenue |
node-924-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of elevator between Wonderland platform and Atlantic Avenue |
node-924-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of elevator between Wonderland platform and Atlantic Avenue |
node-925-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of elevator between lobby and Atlantic Avenue |
node-aqucl-atlanticstairs-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of stairs for Atlantic Avenue |
node-aqucl-atlanticstairs-street | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of stairs for Atlantic Avenue |
node-aqucl-atlfarepaid | Aquarium | Aquarium - Paid side of fare gates |
node-aqucl-atlfareunpaid | Aquarium | Aquarium - Unpaid side of fare gates |
node-aqucl-ebatlanticstairs-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of stairs between platform and Atlantic Avenue |
node-aqucl-ebatlanticstairs-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of stairs between platform and Atlantic Avenue |
node-aqucl-ebstatestairs-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of stairs between platform and State Street |
node-aqucl-ebstatestairs-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of stairs between platform and State Street |
node-aqucl-nstatestairs-landing | Aquarium | Aquarium - Landing for stairs for State Stree north |
node-aqucl-nstatestairs-landingtop | Aquarium | Aquarium - Landing for stairs for State Stree north |
node-aqucl-nstatestairs-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of stairs for State Street north |
node-aqucl-nstatestairs-street | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of stairs for State Street north |
node-aqucl-sstatestairs-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of stairs for State Street south |
node-aqucl-statefarepaid | Aquarium | Aquarium - Paid side of fare gates |
node-aqucl-statefareunpaid | Aquarium | Aquarium - Unpaid side of fare gates |
node-aqucl-wbatlanticstairs-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of stairs between platform and Atlantic Avenue |
node-aqucl-wbatlanticstairs-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of stairs between platform and Atlantic Avenue |
node-aqucl-wbstatestairs-lobby | Aquarium | Aquarium - Top of stairs between platform and State Street |
node-aqucl-wbstatestairs-platform | Aquarium | Aquarium - Bottom of stairs between platform and State Street |