13-Mar-2025 22:12:23 EDT
Processing Time: 1 ms

Stop Information

Stop IDnode-903-lobby
Stop NameHaymarket
Parent Stop place-haecl
Stop DescriptionHaymarket - Top of elevator between Oak Grove platform and Congress Street lobby
Stop Location,

Service Information

Trips Serving Stop [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow]
Service on Specific Date
Upcoming Service per Route [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (per Route) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Upcoming Service Combined [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (Unified) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]

Routes Serving Stop

Route ID Short Name Long Name

Stops Sharing Parent Station

Stop IDShort NameLong Name
70024HaymarketHaymarket - Orange Line - Forest Hills
70025HaymarketHaymarket - Orange Line - Oak Grove
70203HaymarketHaymarket - Green Line - North Station & North
70204HaymarketHaymarket - Green Line - Copley & West
door-haecl-buswayHaymarket - RMV, Sudbury St, New Chardon StHaymarket - RMV, Sudbury St, New Chardon St
door-haecl-congressHaymarket - RMV, City Hall, Faneuil Hall MarketplaceHaymarket - RMV, City Hall, Faneuil Hall Marketplace
node-313-lobbyHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of escalator from lobby to busway
node-903-lobbyHaymarketHaymarket - Top of elevator between Oak Grove platform and Congress Street lobby
node-903-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Mezzanine-level of elevator between Oak Grove platform and Congress Street lobby
node-903-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of elevator between Oak Grove platform and Congress Street lobby
node-904-lobbyHaymarketHaymarket - Top of elevator between Forest Hills platform and Congress Street lobby
node-904-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of elevator between Forest Hills platform and Congress Street lobby
node-905-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of elevator between Forest Hills platform and Green Line, busway passageway
node-905-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Top of elevator between Forest Hills platform and Green Line, busway passageway
node-906-greenHaymarketHaymarket - Top of elevator between Green Line, busway and Orange Line passageway
node-906-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of elevator between Green Line, busway and Orange Line passageway
node-907-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of elevator between Oak Grove platform and Green Line, busway passageway
node-907-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Top of elevator between Oak Grove platform and Green Line, busway passageway
node-908-lobbyHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of elevator between lobby and busway
node-haecl-busfarepaidHaymarketHaymarket - Paid side of busway fare gates
node-haecl-busfareunpaidHaymarketHaymarket - Unpaid side of busway fare gates
node-haecl-busolstair-greenHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between busway lobby and Orange Line passageway
node-haecl-busolstair-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between busway lobby and Orange Line passageway
node-haecl-busstair-lobbyHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between lobby and busway
node-haecl-congfarepaidHaymarketHaymarket - Paid side of Congress Street fare gates
node-haecl-congfareunpaidHaymarketHaymarket - Unpaid side of Congress Street fare gates
node-haecl-congfhplatn-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between mezzanine and Forest Hills platform
node-haecl-congfhplatn-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between mezzanine and Forest Hills platform
node-haecl-congfhplats-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between mezzanine and Forest Hills platform
node-haecl-congfhplats-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between mezzanine and Forest Hills platform
node-haecl-congfhstair-lobbyHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between lobby and Forest Hills mezzanine
node-haecl-congfhstair-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between lobby and Forest Hills mezzanine
node-haecl-congogplatn-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between mezzanine and Oak Grove platform
node-haecl-congogplatn-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between mezzanine and Oak Grove platform
node-haecl-congogplats-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between mezzanine and Oak Grove platform
node-haecl-congogplats-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between mezzanine and Oak Grove platform
node-haecl-congogstairn-lobbyHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between lobby and Oak Grove mezzanine
node-haecl-congogstairn-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between lobby and Oak Grove mezzanine
node-haecl-congogstairs-lobbyHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between lobby and Oak Grove mezzanine
node-haecl-congogstairs-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between lobby and Oak Grove mezzanine
node-haecl-glstair-greenHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between Green Line and Orange Line passageway
node-haecl-glstair-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between Green Line and Orange Line passageway
node-haecl-passfhstair-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between Forest Hills platform and Green Line, busway passageway
node-haecl-passfhstair-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between Forest Hills platform and Green Line, busway passageway
node-haecl-passogstair-passageHaymarketHaymarket - Bottom of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Green Line, busway passageway
node-haecl-passogstair-platformHaymarketHaymarket - Top of stairs between Oak Grove platform and Green Line, busway passageway