JFK/UMass - Busway, JFK Library, Mount Vernon St (Stairs)
01-Dec-2024 02:37:54 EST
Processing Time: 2 ms

Stop Information

Stop IDdoor-jfk-oldcolony
Stop NameJFK/UMass - Busway, JFK Library, Mount Vernon St (Stairs)
Parent Stop place-jfk
Stop DescriptionJFK/UMass - Busway, JFK Library, Mount Vernon St (Stairs)
Stop Location42.320829, -71.051623

Service Information

Trips Serving Stop [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow]
Service on Specific Date
Upcoming Service per Route [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (per Route) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Upcoming Service Combined [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]
Kiosk (Unified) [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr]

Routes Serving Stop

Route ID Short Name Long Name

Stops Sharing Parent Station

Stop IDShort NameLong Name
121JFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Busway
70085JFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Red Line - Ashmont
70086JFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Red Line - Alewife (from Ashmont)
70095JFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Red Line - Braintree
70096JFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Red Line - Alewife (from Braintree)
MM-0023-SJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Commuter Rail - Track 1 (All Trains)
door-jfk-buswayJFK/UMass - Busway, JFK Library, Mount Vernon St (Ramp)JFK/UMass - Busway, JFK Library, Mount Vernon St (Ramp)
door-jfk-columbiaJFK/UMass - Columbia RdJFK/UMass - Columbia Rd
door-jfk-oldcolonyJFK/UMass - Busway, JFK Library, Mount Vernon St (Stairs)JFK/UMass - Busway, JFK Library, Mount Vernon St (Stairs)
door-jfk-sydneynJFK/UMass - Sydney St (North)JFK/UMass - Sydney St (North)
door-jfk-sydneysJFK/UMass - Sydney St (South)JFK/UMass - Sydney St (South)
node-322-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of escalator from platform to Columbia Road
node-322-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of escalator from platform to Columbia Road
node-830-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of elevator between Braintree, Alewife platform and lobby
node-830-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of elevator between Braintree, Alewife platform and lobby
node-831-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of elevator between Ashmont, Alewife platform and lobby
node-831-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of elevator between Ashmont, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-ashcolfarepaidJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Paid side of exit-only gates
node-jfk-ashcolfareunpaidJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Unpaid side of exit-only gates
node-jfk-ashcolstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs from Ashmont, Alewife platform and Columbia Road
node-jfk-ashcolstair-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of stairs from Ashmont, Alewife platform and Columbia Road
node-jfk-ashganstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of northern stairs between Ashmont, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-ashganstair-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of northern stairs between Ashmont, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-ashgasstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of southern stairs between Ashmont, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-ashgasstair-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of southern stairs between Ashmont, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-ashsydstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs between Ashmont, Alewife platform and Sydney Street
node-jfk-ashsydstair-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of stairs between Ashmont, Alewife platform and Sydney Street
node-jfk-bracolfarepaidJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Paid side of exit-only gates
node-jfk-bracolfareunpaidJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Unpaid side of exit-only gates
node-jfk-bracolstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs from Braintree, Alewife platform and Columbia Road
node-jfk-bracolstair-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of stairs from Braintree, Alewife platform and Columbia Road
node-jfk-braganstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of northern stairs between Braintree, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-braganstair-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of northern stairs between Braintree, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-bragasstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of southern stairs between Braintree, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-bragasstair-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of southern stairs between Braintree, Alewife platform and lobby
node-jfk-brasydstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs between Braintree, Alewife platform and Sydney Street
node-jfk-brasydstair-platformJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of stairs between Braintree, Alewife platform and Sydney Street
node-jfk-busramp-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of ramp for busway, Commuter Rail, Old Colony Road
node-jfk-crcolstair-columbiaJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs between Columbia Road and Old Colony Road, Commuter Rail, busway
node-jfk-crcolstair-streetJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of stairs between Columbia Road and Old Colony Road, Commuter Rail, busway
node-jfk-crramp-crJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of ramp between busway, Commuter Rail, Old Colony Avenue and Red Line
node-jfk-crramp-streetJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Bottom of Commuter Rail platform ramp
node-jfk-mainfarepaidJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Paid side of fare gates
node-jfk-mainfareunpaidJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Unpaid side of fare gates
node-jfk-oldstaire-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs between busway, Commuter Rail, Old Colony Avenue and Red Line
node-jfk-oldstairw-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs between busway, Commuter Rail, Old Colony Avenue and Red Line
node-jfk-sydfarepaidJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Paid side of exit-only gates
node-jfk-sydfareunpaidJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Unpaid side of exit-only gates
node-jfk-sydneynstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs between Sydney Street and lobby
node-jfk-sydneysstair-lobbyJFK/UMassJFK/UMass - Top of stairs between Sydney Street and lobby