Stop ID | door-crtst-north |
Stop Name | Courthouse - Fan Pier Blvd, Seaport Blvd |
Parent Stop | place-crtst |
Stop Description | Courthouse - Fan Pier Blvd, Seaport Blvd |
Stop Location | 42.352611, -71.047046 |
Trips Serving Stop | [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow] |
Service on Specific Date | |
Upcoming Service per Route | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (per Route) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Upcoming Service Combined | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (Unified) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Route ID | Short Name | Long Name |
Stop ID | Short Name | Long Name |
74612 | Courthouse | Courthouse - Silver Line - Airport/Design Center/Chelsea |
74616 | Courthouse | Courthouse - Silver Line - South Station |
door-crtst-north | Courthouse - Fan Pier Blvd, Seaport Blvd | Courthouse - Fan Pier Blvd, Seaport Blvd |
door-crtst-south | Courthouse - Thomson Pl, Seaport Blvd | Courthouse - Thomson Pl, Seaport Blvd |
node-412-landing | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of escalator from lobby to Thomson Place mezzanine |
node-412-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of escalator from lobby to Thomson Place mezzanine |
node-413-entrance | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of escalator from mezzanine to Thomson Place |
node-413-landing | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of escalator from mezzanine to Thomson Place |
node-414-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of escalator from South Station platform to lobby |
node-414-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of escalator from South Station platform to lobby |
node-415-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of escalator from outbound platform to lobby |
node-415-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of escalator from outbound platform to lobby |
node-416-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of escalator from South Station platform to exit-only gates |
node-416-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of escalator from South Station platform to exit-only gates |
node-417-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of escalator from outbound platform to exit-only gates |
node-417-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of escalator from outbound platform to exit-only gates |
node-418-entrance | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of escalator from lobby to Fan Pier Boulevard |
node-418-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of escalator from lobby to Fan Pier Boulevard |
node-937-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of elevator between South Station platform and lobby |
node-937-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of elevator between South Station platform and lobby |
node-938-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of elevator between outbound platform and lobby |
node-938-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of elevator between outbound platform and lobby |
node-939-entrance | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of elevator between Thomson Place and lobby |
node-939-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of elevator between Thomson Place and lobby |
node-940-entrance | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of elevator between Fan Pier Boulevard and lobby |
node-940-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of elevator between Fan Pier Boulevard and lobby |
node-crtst-northentstair-entrance | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of stairs between Fan Pier Boulevard and lobby |
node-crtst-northentstair-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of stairs between Fan Pier Boulevard and lobby |
node-crtst-southentstair-entrance | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of stairs between Thomson Place and landing |
node-crtst-southentstair-landing | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of stairs between Thomson Place and landing |
node-crtst-southlobstair-landing | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of stairs between Thomson Place landing and lobby |
node-crtst-southlobstair-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of stairs between Thomson Place landing and lobby |
node-crtst-ssexit-farepaid | Courthouse | Courthouse - Paid side of South Station exit-only gates |
node-crtst-ssexit-fareunpaid | Courthouse | Courthouse - Unpaid side of South Station exit-only gates |
node-crtst-ssexitstair-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of stairs for exit-only gates from South Station platform |
node-crtst-ssexitstair-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of stairs for exit-only gates from South Station platform |
node-crtst-ssmain-farepaid | Courthouse | Courthouse - Paid side of South Station fare gates |
node-crtst-ssmain-fareunpaid | Courthouse | Courthouse - Unpaid side of South Station fare gates |
node-crtst-ssmainstair-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of stairs for South Station platform |
node-crtst-ssmainstair-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of stairs for South Station platform |
node-crtst-wtcexit-farepaid | Courthouse | Courthouse - Paid side of outbound exit-only gates |
node-crtst-wtcexit-fareunpaid | Courthouse | Courthouse - Unpaid side of outbound exit-only gates |
node-crtst-wtcexitstair-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of stairs for exit-only gates from outbound platform |
node-crtst-wtcexitstair-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of stairs for exit-only gates from outbound platform |
node-crtst-wtcmain-farepaid | Courthouse | Courthouse - Paid side of outbound fare gates |
node-crtst-wtcmain-fareunpaid | Courthouse | Courthouse - Unpaid side of outbound fare gates |
node-crtst-wtcmainstair-lobby | Courthouse | Courthouse - Top of stairs for outbound platform |
node-crtst-wtcmainstair-platform | Courthouse | Courthouse - Bottom of stairs for outbound platform |