Stop ID | 5666 |
Stop Name | Wood Island |
Parent Stop | place-wimnl |
Stop Description | Wood Island - Busway |
Stop Location | 42.380368, -71.023287 |
Trips Serving Stop | [All] [Yesterday] [Today] [Tomorrow] |
Service on Specific Date | |
Upcoming Service per Route | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (per Route) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Upcoming Service Combined | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Kiosk (Unified) | [future minutes: 30 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr] |
Route ID | Short Name | Long Name |
112 | 112 | Wellington Station - Wood Island Station |
120 | 120 | Orient Heights Station - Jeffries Point |
121 | 121 | Wood Island Station - Maverick Station |
Shuttle-AirportWonderland | Blue Line Shuttle | Airport - Wonderland |
Shuttle-GovernmentCenterOrientHeightsLocal | Blue Line Shuttle | Orient Heights - Government Center (Local) |
Shuttle-GovernmentCenterWonderland | Blue Line Shuttle | Wonderland - Government Center |
Shuttle-MaverickWonderland | Blue Line Shuttle | Maverick - Wonderland |
Stop ID | Short Name | Long Name |
5666 | Wood Island | Wood Island - Busway |
70049 | Wood Island | Wood Island - Blue Line - Bowdoin |
70050 | Wood Island | Wood Island - Blue Line - Wonderland |
door-wimnl-benning | Wood Island - Bennington St | Wood Island - Bennington St |
door-wimnl-lovell | Wood Island - Lovell St | Wood Island - Lovell St |
node-380-bridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of Escalator 380 |
node-380-platform | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of Escalator 380 |
node-889-paidbridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of Elevator 889 (within fare control) |
node-889-paidplatform | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of Elevator 889 (within fare control) |
node-889-unpaidbridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of Elevator 889 (outside fare control) |
node-889-unpaidstreet | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of Elevator 889 (outside fare control) |
node-890-paidbridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of Elevator 890 (within fare control) |
node-890-paidplatform | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of Elevator 890 (within fare control) |
node-890-unpaidbridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of Elevator 890 (outside fare control) |
node-890-unpaidstreet | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of Elevator 890 (outside fare control) |
node-wimnl-benn-farepaid | Wood Island | Wood Island - Paid side of fare gates |
node-wimnl-benn-fareunpaid | Wood Island | Wood Island - Unpaid side of fare gates |
node-wimnl-ibpaidstairs-bridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of stairs for Bowdoin |
node-wimnl-ibpaidstairs-platform | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of stairs for Bowdoin |
node-wimnl-ibunpaidstairs-bridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of stairs for all trains, buses, Bennington Street |
node-wimnl-ibunpaidstairs-street | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of stairs for all trains, buses, Bennington Street |
node-wimnl-love-farepaid | Wood Island | Wood Island - Paid side of exit-only gates |
node-wimnl-love-fareunpaid | Wood Island | Wood Island - Unpaid side of exit-only gates |
node-wimnl-love-stairs | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of stairs for Lovell Street |
node-wimnl-obpaidstairs-bridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of stairs for Wonderland |
node-wimnl-obpaidstairs-platform | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of stairs for Wonderland |
node-wimnl-obunpaidstairs-bridge | Wood Island | Wood Island - Top of stairs for Lovell Street |
node-wimnl-obunpaidstairs-street | Wood Island | Wood Island - Bottom of stairs for Lovell Street |